Des Moines, Iowa

Prairie Flower Campground

May 17, 2022

It was tough to leave such a beautiful place like Decorah, but thankfully, the drive to our next stop, Des Moines, was a relatively easy 3.5 hour drive through rural Iowa. Our park while in Des Moines was the Prairie Flower Campground, a nice Army Corp of Engineers campground with the usual electric and water, but no sewer.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get to do much exploring around the park as Sam started showing Covid symptoms (AKA the flu) basically as soon as we got there. We took her to an urgent care clinic, but all they said they could do was test her for covid and possibly administer antibiotics. However, now that Sam was pregnant, we were hesitant to take antibiotics and opted to ride it out in the trailer. We had things under control – until I came down with it the following day…

The situation was pretty bleak for about 24 hours while both of us were at our worst, but thankfully, my fever broke the next day, and I could take care of Sam again, who was having a harder time with it.

Our original plan for our Des Moines trip was to meet up with Sam’s uncle Pat and aunt Joyce, who live nearby and although it wasn’t as much fun as we would’ve liked, they were nice enough to stop by and bring us some supplies – juice, medicine, snacks etc.

This stop in Des Moines sure turned out to be a dud of a trip, to say the least. In fact, this pic of Charlotte turned out to be the only pic that either of us took the entire time that we were there. (The banner pic was stolen from the booking app for our site)