Norman, Oklahoma (Round Four) + Boise, Idaho (Easter)

Cleveland County Fairgrounds

April 9, 2022

The trip up to Norman from Texoma was an easy two-hour drive that I could make in my sleep (thanks to dozens of trips down there and back growing up). Once in Norman, we made our way over to the new and improved campground at the Cleveland County Fairgrounds. These fancy new sites had been under construction for over a year and we had hoped that they would be ready by Thanksgiving but we should have known better than to expect a government project to be finished on time. 🙄

Well, better late than never! The new side of the park was actually quite nice, with flat sites and fancy electrical pedestals/lampposts. In fact, these sites are nicer than most private parks and only a fraction of the cost ($120 a week).

The lone downside of these new sites was the cell service. For some reason we could not get a good signal on this side of the park and were forced to commute over to my parents’ place each day so that Sam could work. Thankfully they are only a hop, skip, and a jump away from the Fairgrounds, and plus, we probably would have been going over there most days anyways (and we got to hang out with “Dale Jr.”)!

As the title suggests, we also flew up to Boise to spend Easter with Sam’s family during this stop (Ms. Charlotte stayed at my parents and terrorized Jasper and Dottie while we were gone). At this point, we hadn’t seen them since Thanksgiving (six months earlier) – a long overdue rendezvous!

In addition to a great Easter Sunday filled with great food and even better company, we had a wonderful time in while in Boise – as always! We could never leave their neighborhood for the entire stay and still have a great trip. Just walking around and taking in the sights is time well spent.

Hell, they even have a three-hole golf course that is free to use at any time!

However, we did make it out of the neighborhood a few times and still managed to enjoy ourselves. Including a trip to the bowling alley (Jess won, and I don’t remember who came in last place 😉) and a trek up north into the mountains to look at a property that was for sale.


As always, the trip went by way too fast, and before we knew it, we were on a plane back to Oklahoma. At this point, I can’t remember many specifics from our last week in Norman, however, Dad and I did go to OU’s spring game (banner pic) which turned out to be quite the spectacle. I had been to a few spring games, but never had I seen a crowd like this – the stadium was damn near full… for a scrimmage… in April!

By this point, we had been in Norman for so long, that we were beginning to forget what life on the road was like! It was time for us to light out once again, and this time we were aiming for the heart of the Midwest – Iowa, to visit some of Sam’s family. However, before we could get there, we had a few things that we wanted to check off our list, the first of which was a trip to the Walmart Mecca – Bentonville, Arkansas.